What is an ARG?
An ARG, or Alternate Reality Game, is a piece of fictional work that tells a story through epistolary means (blog posts, emails, etc.) and puzzles. Players interact with actors playing characters and "puppet masters" creating puzzles.
OOC stands for "Out of Character." This page is all information that is completely out of character - thus not part of the story of Lisa Leary. Any information here is for you as a player. Hints may be available here in the future!
This event is made possible by Palm Harbor Library's Youth Advisory Board! They've worked hard for a month to make this an amazing experience. All actors are PHL volunteers or staff members. YAB is always looking for new members!
If at any point something is confusing and you want an OOC hint, or something is upsetting to you and you want to talk to a staff member about it, feel free to contact me (samma@phlib.org). Responses will come any time I'm in office!